Military of Greece

Hellenic Armed Forces
Eλληνικές Ένοπλες Δυνάμεις

Founded 1828
Service branches Hellenic Army
Hellenic Navy
Hellenic Air Force
Headquarters Athens,  Greece
Commander-in-chief of the armed forces President Karolos Papoulias
Minister of National Defense Dimitris Avramopoulos
Chief of the General Staff of National Defense General Michail Kostarakos
Military age 18 years of age
Conscription 9 months for all men
Available for
military service
2,535,174 males, age 15–49 (2008 est.[1]),
2,517,273 females, age 15–49 (2008 est.[1])
Fit for
military service
2,084,469 males, age 15–49 (2008 est.[1]),
2,065,956 females, age 15–49 (2008 est.[1])
Reaching military
age annually
53,858 males (2008 est.[1]),
50,488 females (2008 est.[1])
Active personnel 177,600 (ranked 29th)
Budget €7.26 billion. (2009 est[2]
Percent of GDP 3.1% (2009 est.)
Domestic suppliers ELBO, EAB, EBO
Foreign suppliers  United States
Related articles
Ranks Greek military ranks

The armed forces of Greece consist of:

The civilian authority for the Greek military is the Ministry of National Defense.

Greece currently has universal compulsory military service for males, under which all men above 18 years of age serve for 9 months. Women may serve in the Greek military, but cannot be conscripted. According to NATO, in 2008, Greece spent 2.8 percent of G.D.P. on its military, or about €6.9 billion, or around $9.3 billion. Greece is the largest importer of conventional weapons in Europe and its military spending is the highest in the European Union (relative to G.D.P).

Greece is an EU and NATO member country and participates in peacekeeping operations such as ISAF- in Afghanistan, EUFOR in Bosnia and Chad, and KFOR in Kosovo.


Component forces and their organization

Hellenic National Defense General Staff

The Hellenic National Defense General Staff, carries out the operational commanding of the Joint Headquarters and the units that come under them, as well as the rest forces, when it comes to the issues of operation plans implementation and the Crises management System implementation, conduction of operations outside the national territory and participation of the Armed Forces in the confrontation of special situations during peace time.[3]

Hellenic Army

The basic components of the Hellenic Army are Arms and Corps, the first responsible for combat missions and the latter for logistical support. It is organized in Commands, formations, and units with the basic being brigade, division and corps. Its main mission is to guarantee the territorial integrity and independence of the state.[4]

Hellenic Navy

Hellenic Navy disposes a powerful fleet, consisted of strike units (Frigates, Gunboats, Submarines and Fast Attack Guided Missile Vessels) and support vessels in order to conduct naval operations that insure the protection of Hellenic territories.[5]

Hellenic Air Force

Hellenic Air Force incorporates a modern air fleet (for combat, transportation and training), the congruent structure, as well as a modern system of air control, which cooperates with a widespread net of anti aircraft defense. The structure of its forces includes the General Staff of Air Force, the Command Post of Regular Army, the Air Support Command, the Air Training Command and a number of units and services.[6]

See also


External links